
Jumat, 15 Maret 2013


What is the government doing to stop global warming?
The government is doing many things to help stop global warming. The government made a law called The Clean Air Act so there is less air pollution.  Global warming is making people get very bad illnesses that could make them disabled, very sick, and sometimes even die.  The Clean Air Act is making many companies change their products to decrease these problems.  Part of the law says that you may not put a certain amount of pollutants in the air.  Hairspray and some other products, like foam cups, had this problem.  Making and using these products let out too much volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), ozone-destroying chemicals (chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s), and related chemicals (such as CO2) into the air.  Now, almost all of these products have a label on them telling people what this product can do to the environment and many people.


Some other examples of using energy and polluting the air are:


Global Warming
What is global warming? 
Global warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises).  It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature.  This hurts many people, animals, and plants.  Many cannot take the change, so they die.
What is the greenhouse effect?

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

7 Manusia Unik dan Aneh di Dunia

1. Manusia yang tidak bisa gemuk

 Perry (59) pria ini dapat memakan makanan apapun yang diinginkannya dalam jumlah tak terbatas termasuk makanan tinggi lemak seperti makanan fast food dan dia tidak perlu khawatir kegemukan. Pria ini menderita kelainan yang disebut Lipodystrophy, kondisi yang membuat tubuhnya secara cepat membakar lemak. Dahulu Perry adalah anak yang cukup gendut, tetapi ketika berumur 12 tahun tiba-tiba berat tubuhnya turun bebas hanya dalam waktu semalam. Meski berusaha makan sebanyak apapun tetapi tidak menimbulkan efek apa-apa. Pada akhirnya ketika diperiksa ditemukan kelainan, Perry ternyata memproduksi hormon insulin 6X lebih banyak dibandingkan orang kebanyakan.